Happy Monday!
There are only two more Mondays in this year, and I have to say, I feel this December has been a month to remember. As I reflect on the goodness I have experienced being a part of the land of the living, it brings a tear and some cheer.
I was journaling recently and asked this question: What is December all about? The word forward is what I wrote down. A friend at church mentioned recently that he posed this same question, and his response was 2021 is business as usual. In the kingdom, nothing changes. Our gospel message is still to proclaim liberty. We will still be raising our kids, doing our jobs, and helping our family and friends when we can.
With it being a Christmas season, and Advent is about the coming King’s birth, it has caused me to ponder the word carry as well. Even in reflecting on some of the losses we have faced this year, it has made me reflect on what I’m carrying. What will I leave here in 2020, and what do I want to carry over into 2021?
“Love empowers us to fulfill the law of the Anointed One as we carry each other’s troubles.”
Galatians 6:2 TPT
When you carry like Mary, the Lord will not tarry!
“But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.”
Luke 2:19 NKJV
How do you carry the gospel message? My answer is forward. We carry forward. I want to take the word forward and break it down this way: For-words. My goal for 2021 is to speak about things that I am for, not things that I am against. I am purposing to speak forward words that are about positivity and that are speaking from a place of “being for”. This is my story of moving forward. I do not need permission from another when I have been given the favor of the Father. It is my honor to stand and represent the King of kings and the Lord of lords. The posture of surrender has humbled me. I’ve had to let go of the things I’ve wanted to force to happen and say as Mary did:
“Then Mary said, ‘Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.’ And the angel departed from her.”
Luke 1:38 NKJV
This is my posture moving forward and something to ponder. Let it be to me according to your word. No matter the matter in front of me, I will abide and rest in His presence, and with faith, bring a joy into every day. This is my desire. This is my cheer, to be my essence in this coming year.
So, as we close out another year, and one that has been the most unpredictable, let us stay humble. Let us stay tender. Let us stay thankful. Let us stay ready. Let us continue to strengthen the words growing from deep down in our hearts. For, they are about to spark. For, we have been marked. And, it’s in the Father’s heart to send His daughters and sons into all the world to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. Amen and amen.
#CarryingForward #MyMendedHeart #Inthesendingcomesthemending
First, the Galatians 6:2 line you cite (“Love empowers us to fulfill the law of the Anointed One as we carry each other’s troubles.”) is just jam-packed with a powerful, three-fold instruction as to our walk in the world, and you manifest that in your closing paragraph, in which you answer your earlier question “What will I leave here in 2020, and what do I want to carry over into 2021?” Thus, as we move into 2021, we must be disciplined in turning our back to the sorrow, agitation, anger, worry, (et al) of 2020 BY turning instead to receive the Love of God, which empowers us to share and thus manifest that Love in the world through our compa…