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Sending & Mending

Amber Ballance
Emily Brown
Patty Dillon

Leigh-Ann Blount:

"Whether through written word or song, Micah links arms with you on your journey, inviting you into her world and illuminating the beauty in yours. Inspiring, she compassionately points you to Truth while encouraging you to keep going. A rare gem in the treasure chest of life, her challenges have ultimately made her more beautiful inside and out. And as you listen or read, she calls out the Beautiful Treasure that lies within you!"


Holly Ledbetter:

“Who knew exactly what Micah’s book, blog, music….all of it would really mean to me. We’ve been friends since childhood. Watching Micah’s process has been beautiful. She wasn’t a writer growing up, BUT as your read in her book, God grew her in a deep way! The Holy Spirit imparted to her and now she’s soaring. Little did I know exactly how much Sending and Mending would mean to me, until I walked her same path, different but similar. God called our husbands home in our 30’s, BUT we have a new purpose and things to fulfill in the kingdom, here on earth! Read her book; glean from her insight! We’re all going through things and it will strengthen your soul! Love you Micah D!”

Micah's Message Board

Cindy Council
Pam Lease
Vickie Easterday
Nadia Guy
Betania Jervey
Birthday Presents

Katie Parker:

“I will never forget the day you sang your first song, The Joy of the Lord, at church.  That very morning, I was feeling a bit weighed down in my heart. As we drove to church, the verse that came to my heart was Nehemiah 8:10, ‘The Joy of the Lord is your strength.’ During worship, you sang your song and the words seemed just for me!


‘I look to You for help, for the pressures of this life bear down on me.  I look to You for help. So, let Your presence come and blow through me.  Let Your presence come till I am free.  The Joy of the Lord renews my strength...’


My tears flowed in thankfulness to Jesus for meeting me right where I was! Micah, thank you for the way that you have drawn near to Jesus in the hardest times of your life... and He has drawn near to you!  Your heart to seek Him and look for His goodness in all the moments of life is such a testimony. 


Love you, friend!”

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