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You Haven't Missed Your Appointment

Writer's picture: Micah N. DillonMicah N. Dillon

Today, I want to talk about disappointment. I was listening to the song Your Nature by Kari Jobe and mid-way through it says in the disappointment continue to worship before your breakthrough comes. Kari prays out and says: Do not stay in your disappointment. He meets you there. Oh, He meets you there. Wherever you find yourself, He meets you there. He knows you. He sees you. He loves you. He’s the God of promises. He keeps them. 

The bridge of the song says, 

Sing out O barren woman

Sing out O broken man

Stretch out your hands believing this is your promise land

Break out of disappointment

Break out of hopelessness

Stretch out your hands believing this is your promise land

She goes on to pray out: He’s the God of the promises. He’s the God of the breakthrough. He keeps his promisesI pray every disappointment would fall away. You didn’t miss an appointment. You didn’t miss His appointment. He’s here and He’s for you. And, He keeps every promise. 

The words that stood out to me were “Every disappointment would fall away. You didn’t miss an appointment. You didn’t miss His appointment.” If you are not listening close enough, you will not hear it. It comes very quickly at the end of the song. How powerful!

How many times do we feel disappointed or that we have disappointed others, especially God? That we’ve missed the mark, like we only get one chance and if we fail, we don’t get another one. I am finding out that our Father God is not harsh. He is kind. 

The beginning of Kari’s song goes like this:

You bring life to the barren places

Light to the darkest spaces

God, it's Your nature

You bring joy to the broken hearted

Hope to the ones who've lost it

God, it's Your nature

There is no desert that Your streams can't run to

There are no ruins that Your love won't make new

You tell the wasteland

That it will bloom again

Cause it's Your nature

You will restore the years that shame has stolen

You keep the promises that You have spoken

I know this wasteland will be whole again

Cause it's Your nature

You bring peace

To the war inside us

Speak and all fear is silenced

God, it's Your nature

You bring joy to the broken hearted

Hope to the ones who've lost it

God, it's Your nature

This is who He is. His nature is a God of breaking through our doom and gloom. When we surrender, the Mender is able to enter. His nature is kind. His nature is merciful. His nature is gentle. His nature is compassionate. His nature is excitement. His nature says keep going. His nature says come to me all who are heavy and I will give you rest. This rest is a peace that surpasses all understanding, because it’s almost too amazing to receive it. But, the Word says who the Son has set free is free indeed, and this is something to celebrate indeed.

This week is about encouragement. You haven’t missed your appointment, so don’t shame yourself for thinking you have. That is the disappointment trying to steal your joy. This is not His voice. You have a choice to turn the channel. This may take some time, and so I encourage you to find the verses that are the opposite of the voice of disappointment and speak them over yourself until your inner-self believes the message you are sending. Speak it until your insides fully believe it. Depending on how long the inner narrative has been going on will determine on how long it will take to turn the channel for good. Good things take time, and that includes your inner mind. I have heard it said that it takes four years for an inner truth to fully take root. For when you hear them, it’s first like an acquaintance, then a casual friend, a close friend, and finally an intimate friend. Give it time, and watch yourself shine. That is what sons and daughters of the King do. They shine, for they know they are loved by the Divine. It’s true. 

Well, I hope this week’s blog about songs and heart does you well. We are all going to be alright. The weather has been beautiful and we are still breathing. So, enjoy the beauty of fall. And smile, for the Son has set you free and that is worth cheering about. Until next time, stay cheery. Stay giddy. Stay faithful. ✌

Your Nature by Kari Jobe:

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Amber Ballance
Amber Ballance
Nov 09, 2020

This album of Kari's and this song "Nature" in particular has given me so much hope in this season. Leading us to the Promise Land is His nature and heart for us. Even when our minds stray and focus on the doom and gloom around us He is faithful to lead us back to our appointed place. We may not always believe it's our place or our appointment. We may think it is for someone else. The enemy tries to come in and say we don't deserve it, we're not good enough, or our past is unforgivable. I've found in these moments the Father leans down to whisper in my ear to remind me His presence is where I belong…

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