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Writer's pictureMicah N. Dillon

Secret Warriors: Amy

Meet Amy.

This lady walked into my life over 5 years ago. Her heart was drawn back home after some time away in Raleigh. She was obedient to the unction in her heart to move back and work with her family. This business women administrates with excellence at Pinecrest Timber Company. Amy and her family became members of Rock Church very soon after, and the rest is history.

This family has been such a blessing. Amy has the biggest heart. She and her husband have adopted two children and both have been a blessing and a miracle handed down to them from Heaven. When her younger son, Hudson, was in the balance of becoming there’s, she had our home group pray for this whole ordeal of them becoming his adopted parents. She said she felt such a peace that only God could provide during the whole process. One day, she texted our group. I can remember it like it was yesterday. She said, “I’m out running and I surrendered him in prayer into my Heavenly Father’s hands.” Her prayer was this, “God, if You want this child raised up in the Rock Church, You will make it happen!” Not even an hour later, she got the call they were chosen to be Hudson’s parents. When she sent us that text, we were all crying. I can feel the Father’s kindness all over it again while I’m writing this. 🥺 It was such a powerful moment. It still is. These children were hand-picked to be a part of all our lives. This is a story of partnering with the Divine and watching His story play out with delight. It’s been a delight ever since. Hudson is so full of life and has a smile that is contagious.

Amy has shown boldness. She is a fighter and has a heart for other mothers like her. She does everything with a very peaceful presence. I’m so thankful to have been able to watch her story play out thus far. Through the highs and lows, we have gone through them together. This is one of the benefits of church community living. We pray together. We walk through things together. We cry together. We celebrate together. Everything feels less heavy when we are together. Amy has amazing taste. She is a great host. She checks on her ladies individually and she prays consistently for all of us. She has grown so much and she is just getting started.

So, Amy, I honor you. Nothing else needs to be said. You are amazing. And, it’s been amazing to watch you become a woman of faith who prays with a faith that actually believes God changes things.

Her faith has seen the impossible become possible. That is what true faith does. It speaks things into existence. Faith does that. It makes you pray in an empowered way. She gets overwhelmed talking about His love for her, for she says, “How can I deserve all these blessings?” And then we say, “Receive it, Amy!! He loves you!!! Go Jesus!! Thanks for loving Amy in an overwhelming way.” Her faith makes me bolder in praying for crazy impossible things. They just might come true. They actually do come true. Just go ask Amy. She has proof that her prayers have manifested in her life. Their names are Carter and Hudson. Amen and Amen. ❤️

Until next time,

Stay tender.

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P.S. Amy is a Mender. For any of you out there that feel you are a Mender too, check out our online store for more gear to represent with a little mended accent. Some new gear is coming soon. The feedback we are getting is that when wearing our gear, it feels like you are being hugged from the Father above. That’s our heart here at Sending and Mending. Our online store carries gear that represents and reminds us that we are loved and never alone.

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