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Writer's pictureMicah N. Dillon

Our Storm is Our Story

Happy week 12 of 2023!!

If you have been following along with me this year, I declared the first week of January that this year’s theme would be about being Set Free. What I didn’t know is later that month, I would be undergoing a diagnostic mammogram and ultasound…which then lead to a biopsy…which then lead to a diagnosis of stage 1 invasive carcinoma breast cancer. I intentionally did not capitalize any one of these words, for it doesn’t deserve any extra emphasis. 👩🏻‍⚖️

What?!?!?!?? 🤯 To say this was a shock is an understatement. I didn’t even bring anyone with me to the appointment. I truly didn’t think it was going to be positive. So, over the past two months, I have been meeting surgeons, calling different cancer centers, going through two MRI’s and one final biopsy. To conclude, I was ready for a lumpectomy.

On March 15th, the surgery was completed, and I have been resting and recovering ever since. I can’t believe I’m even writing this, with tears streaming down my face at the reality of this being a part of my story.

Drumroll please 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁



Jesus has done it again y’all! He walked with me throughout this whole process. He even gave me a song that I was able to record in the studio a week before surgery:

Titled: Your Love Remains

Verse 1

What’s the gift You have for me

But I feel so, sooooo, so weary.

What’s the plans You have for me

In the midst of suffering


I know You’ll catch my tears

As You draw me near

You’ll Help me build a boat

On the shores that I call hope

Let’s sail away on this river of faith

For Your Love drives out fear

Even while I shed a tear


Your Love remains

It’s the greatest thing

Verse 2

Stepping out in the unknown

I must trust in You alone

Your spirit comes to calm the storm

Peace! Peace! Be still


Your Love remains

It’s the greatest thing


Let’s sail away on this river of faith

For Your Love drives out fear

Even while I shed a tear


Your Love remains

It’s the greatest thing

I’m here to declare “Our storm is our story.”

Now, this is not to say we take chances that put us in the storm’s way. We also don’t need to be afraid of the storms that come into our walkway.

I felt something by self-examination last fall and thought, I should get this checked out. Then, I received a letter from Obici Hospital that I was due for my annual Mammogram. I would call that a nod or a push to have this done. I started doing these after Ben died, for I felt a knot the fall of 2017 as well. It went away by the time I got checked, and it hasn’t had a concern since. I called my doctor’s office and was scheduled for an appointment on December 12th. I got in there and they asked me had anything changed, and I said yes. The nurse then said, “let me check on something and come back.” She came back in and said, “you will need to come back, for we can’t see you today.” I was in shock. Isn’t that why I’m here to get it checked out? She said, “you needed to have seen your primary care doctor and she needed to send over a diagnostic screening and referral for an ultrasound.”

So, I left and told myself I would handle it in January. That same week was my daughter’s birthday. Then, Christmas. Then, Christmas break. Then, my son’s birthday in January. Then, I went into the studio to record the audio of my second book that I really haven’t even promoted yet. All this to say, I believe this was a detour so I could enjoy Christmas and all the fun celebrations the holiday brings. I was due to get my haircut one day in January, and on the way, my hairdresser text and said, “can we cancel and you come tomorrow instead?” I was bummed, for I was already on the way there, but something told me go into Lakeview and see if I could see my doctor. I walked in and they said she had some cancellations, and I was able to go back to see her (this was on a Monday with no previous scheduled appointment in 30 minutes). Go Jesus! That next week, I was at my screening and ultrasound.

Now when I found out I was positive, I was a little mad and concerned, but the doctors reassured me my cancer was slow growing. 😮‍💨 I was like, this isn’t good. I’m telling you all this to educate you on how to better take care of yourself. I didn’t know, for it was all a new process for me. If you find something, first, go see your doctor. They will take it from there. Also, I have dense tissue and over 71% of cancer is found in dense breasts (something I also didn’t know). Finally, dense tissue needs a 3D mammography or MBI—molecular breast imaging. 2D imaging will not detect cancer if you have dense tissue, for it’s like shining a flashlight against a cement wall. This was all taken from a book I read called Probably Benign by Leslie Ferris Yerger. I highly recommend reading this brave lady’s story (see her website below). She got an all good report and two months later, from a bone density checkup, something else was found which lead to more tests which concluded she had stage four breast cancer. 😱😭😮‍💨

Our storm is our story. She has since started a non-profit called My Density Matters and is changing history from her life changing diagnosis. I like these kind of couraging stories.

Probably Benign book -

My Density Matters -

Ladies - God gave me a mantra throughout this journey. I’m getting informed to be transformed, and so can you!! I hope this informative blog here today will allow you to assess your own breasts, and if something feels different, call your doctor. This is not to bring fear. This is about preventative care. I care about your future, and so I will encourage you to take care of your body to guarantee a more probable life of longevity.

Jesus is for us. Jesus guides us. Jesus is singing over us. Jesus loves us.


To all the friends and family who have loved on me these past two months, with rides to appointments, texts, food, cards, gifts, acts of kindness—like washing my hair when I couldn’t—and especially PRAYER. I AM THE PROOF OF YOUR PRAYERS 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

Man, my heart is about to burst from all this love written in verse. It’s worth it to love on each other, y’all. 🥺💓 You are worth it!! Who knew I was worth it?!?!?!? You will not regret giving me these kind of loving acts, for I will give away as much of myself as I can to extend a hand to another friend. For, it’s the love for another that brings more love back into each other. Love wins people! Love wins. Even through tears, we can release a grin!

P.S. Last Thursday, I met with the surgeon and she said everything is going in the right direction.

Please pray with me for my ONCO score, which is my probability test of reoccurrence, to come back low. I go back April 13th for these results.

If it's over 20%, I have to do chemo, radiation and hormone therapy.

If it's lower, then radiation will be next, and then I decide if I want to do hormone therapy as well.

So, more decisions ahead. Now we wait three more weeks for the next part of this story to unfold. Will I allow this waiting to create an eco-system of internal stormy weather, or will I take this time to seek the Divine and trust He’s holding my hand across this newly awaited finish line?

My heart says I will actively wait by taking His hand and trusting we can do this next part together. Amen and Amen.

More Than Able (feat. Chandler Moore & Tiffany Hudson) | Elevation Worship:

Until next time,

Stay Tender

Connect to the Mender

Be a Sender

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Mar 31, 2023

I’m exactly at the same point of this “journey“ as you are….I’m awaiting the onco score. I get my results on April 5th. My sister-in-love, Theresa Hilton, shared your blog with me…and I’m glad she did! As I wait, I’m praying, mostly listening, to hear what I must do next. I’ve felt weary and tired already, but this gives me hope. Praying for you, here in East Tennessee.

Apr 02, 2023
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Please keep me posted. Take heart! ❤️‍🩹


Mar 28, 2023

Praying for you Micah. I know that God has got you and is carring you through this storm. You are an amazing young lady. So strong and full of love ❤️ for all who meet you.


Mar 28, 2023

Oh Micah! I'm so sorry to hear this but so thankful God is carrying you through this storm. Do you know the song, "Sometimes he calms the storm, other times he calms his child?" Your story reminded me of it....thank you for being so open and ministering to others through it all. Love (and miss) you girl! (,From Rachel)

Mar 28, 2023
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Miss you my friend but your sister has been taking care of me quite well. 😉


Howard Soucek
Mar 28, 2023

As always, your message here is uplifting and positive. But most importantly, it demonstrates our purpose for living in the world, ...that we are to innocently share our storms with one another---in the matrix of God's Love. It's the greatest thing!


Mar 28, 2023

Thank you for allowing God to use you through ALL things, Micah! You continue to use your story for His glory and our good. WE love you! We are cheering for you! I kept thinking of Psalm 56:8 as I was reading your words today. So thankful Our Heavenly Father continues to be steadfast and faithful in every step you take. Love, Machree'

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