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Writer's pictureMicah N. Dillon

Mating in the Waiting

Happy Monday and Welcome to Spring 🌸

If you didn’t know this about me, Fridays are my favorite day of the week, for Fridays usually brings new music releases. This past week, Amanda Cook released a song from her upcoming album called While We Wait. It reminded me of something I wrote almost two years ago.

Mating in the Waiting

“You Are Worth the Wait!”

To all my single ladies or men out there, for one reason or another this poured out of my heart and I finally feel it’s time to share this perspective of what I like to call, “Mating in the Waiting.” This is a story of meeting your someday Divine Mate.

What is the importance of waiting?

How do you know when the wait is over?

How do you know if the one is going to be worth it?

I don’t know if you have ever wondered these questions, but I have. Especially now coming from a new-found place of widowhood.

Well, to start off, I have found it’s best to surrender your way for His divine will. It may feel counter to what your ego is desiring or even what your mind is telling you internally. Yet, we have to go beyond what feels comfortable and trust the Father whole heartedly because He designed you and He designed your help mate too. This helps build/produce an anticipation of hope. This hope element is grounded in truth to know that it is worth it to wait for the other no matter the bother. You can try to explore this theory. Some might even try and say it’s a fantasy. Or you can try to ignore this thought process completely and live your life as though you are the highest divine ruler.

But, I have seen those willing to wait on the Lord completely. They start to build an inner strength that there’s something coming, that there’s something around the corner that is going to be so much better than jumping ship to find what you might be settling for right now. I know it’s hard, I feel you there. Some may ask, “How can you have self-control when you don’t know if your future Beau will ever show?” But, for those single ladies or men looking for the best story, you have to wait for His appointed date.

You have to trust in the Son, for He is the one who will send you the one. He’s the one who knows the one and who is waiting for the right timing to connect you to the one. And, when you’ve finally met the one, you will know that you have won because it just fits. The fitness is your witness! Because, there’s something about the one that lets you know that you have not only won, but you know that you have met the right one.

This is the internal character building beauty that can happen in the waiting. When you surrender with an open heartedness to the Father, you fall more deeply in love with the Son, and now you can trust Him to bring you the one. It might even be someone you can look at through eyes of fun. Jesus is a funny guy, at least that’s the way I see Him. Jesus is going to bring humor into your life. He will take whatever is going on and He will turn it into good.

Right now, you don’t get to know the story your future husband or wife is going through, or what prayers he or she is praying about that is actually connected to your future. This is my hope that something in this possible storyline will connect you to something inside yourself to wait on your future mate. For when you do, you’ll be so thankful that your story is new and that it is unique only for the two of you. Yes, this is mating in the waiting. This is an unconventional story of trusting in the Lord, for He knows.

You know He knows the rest of the story, so you can rest in Him and trust that He will bring the right one at the right time. And even though there can be long stretches of time that seem to last forever in our minds, he or she is so worth the wait, for they are truly worth it and so are you. I hope you can feel the truth on these words here today.

The desire of my heart is to send a reminder that you are worth it, and until then, He is with us while we wait.

Until next time,

Stay Tender

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Mar 21, 2022

Happy Spring to you and thank you for sending such positive and loving thoughts. God is working beautifully through you and you are a blessing to many. See you soon

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