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Writer's pictureMicah N. Dillon

Loss and Holidays 

Be of Good Cheer!

My heart has been heavy this week for another young mother who became a widow. Another suddenly moment has become another’s present, which by the way doesn’t feel like a present. This time of year is just harder. It’s a reality I have been walking through for the past four years. There are more birthdays, more events, more milestones that my loved one is not here to embrace with me and others. You may ask, “When does it get easier?” I don’t know if easier is the right word, but more bearable maybe. Grief is an interesting thing. It sneaks up on you at random times. I can feel tenderness while writing this, for love desires for connection to be fulfilled. When the pain emotion starts speaking within your being, it makes things seem purposeless. You just want to get through the events with as little emotion as possible. But folks, let me tell you, that is not LIVING. The best way to honor our loved ones is to CHOOSE IN on living fully alive. It can be hard to find the joy when joy was attached to certain people and places.

YET, BE OF GOOD CHEER. The kingdom of heaven is near. We are rounding the corner to the most wonderful time of the year. It’s a time to come together as a family and community and participate in advent. For, remembrance is key to legacy you see.

The Bible is all about telling and retelling of the stories that have awakened dead hearts, found lost people, and brought them home. It’s a book from start to finish about redemption, restoration, creation, separation, and finally resurrection and ascension. The Bible is our lifeline!! The Bible is my lifeline to connecting with the Divine when my heart wants to whine about what is going wrong or the way I want it to be done. It draws me into the story of people that were struggling, who weren’t listening, and yet the mercy and kindness of God came through over and over again. He keeps showing up and coming to their rescue.

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 NKJV

“And He said to her, ‘Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. Go in peace.’”

Luke 8:48 NKJV

“But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.’”

Matthew 14:27 NKJV

“But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, ‘Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well.’ And the woman was made well from that hour.”

Matthew 9:22 NKJV

I used to read the Bible from a perspective of what can I take from it to help me, like a study guide. However, I have found over this past year of reading a different perspective. I now read it looking for how God showed up. What was His character? What did this story or chapter show me about Him? What kind of God is He? It’s changed me, y’all, because I have found that He is kind, loving, compassionate, and a warrior. He has your back and your front and your sides too. Over and over, I see His loving kindness responding to His people with mercy and grace.

This brings me comfort in a time that feels a little more discomforting, which got me to thinking. I have a feeling the writings of so many of our favorite Christmas songs were birthed out of a loss or a need for something to lift their spirits. So, I have created a Spotify playlist with some of my old and newly found favorite Christmas songs. This is my early gift to you. And…coming to an ear near you is my very first Christmas song. It will be available on all platforms December 10th. Surprise!!!

As a moment of transparency, I would let you in on a little of my journaling this past week. I was processing to myself and my fingers typed this out:

I just have to tell myself this is your starting point. That’s the point. The vibe. The mix. The different music elements are not the point of this whole thing.

It’s you braving and creating that matters to me.

Jesus dropped this line down into my spirit this week. Can you see? He cares about the details and the wrestling within processing.

So, my encouragement to you this holiday season is keep braving and creating new memories. Do something different. Different is good. Different is growth. Different is not wrong. It’s the transitional place from walking through life the way it used to be to now accepting it will not be that way again. Yet, be of good cheer. Jesus is listening to you my dear.

Until next time,

Stay Tender

Connect to the Mender

Be a Sender

Spotify Christmas Playlist:

“Bells” (releasing Dec. 10th):

P.S. Our Kathara Spa gift card winner was randomly selected in a drawing today. Congratulations, ABBEY BALLANCE! We will contact you with information on how to claim your gift card.

Thank you to all who participated. Look out for more Sending and Mending treats coming your way!

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Howard Soucek
Dec 01, 2021

Micah, this is some of your best journaling ever. Thank you! I feel that I walk a path not unlike yours, and each time I am in need of com-fort, "God shows up" --- and He does so in many different ways, ...such as by way of your journaling and your song. I do look forward to hearing your "Bells" ring another truth.


Nov 30, 2021

“How God showed up”… I really love that. It’s so true- He has shown Himself faithful all throughout Scripture!! Thx for that reminder. -stacy :-)


Roy V Buster Ward
Roy V Buster Ward
Nov 29, 2021

Good thoughts

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