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Limitless Grace

Have you ever felt lost in your own home before? It is easy to feel unsettled in this pandemic. Nothing feels normal, and normalcy gives us a sense that everything is okay. This quarantine has drawn out a lot of emotions which have made me feel scared and unsafe. This has caused triggers such as fight or flight instincts and wanting to just get in my car and drive away. But I can’t! We can’t! So, what do we do? We pray, walk, listen to music, and meditate on words from the Bible for a higher perspective. These things help to bring us back to a state of peace.

This thought came to me as I was processing what home means to me:

“I’m no longer lost. I’ve been found. And, I’m coming home. Home is inner peace. Home is when you feel release. Home is a place of the heart. Home is safe. Home is belonging. Home is being present. Home is a beacon. Home matters. Home gathers. Home creates. Home celebrates. There is no place like home. Home is where all the mess happens and you just keep going deeper and deeper into the journey of self-discovery.”

Home is a place to be honest and open, a place where you can look back over your life and relive memories that mean everything.





Take some time during this quarantine to be open and honest with yourself. Ask yourself, “Are there any memories in my past that are weighing me down?”

“So here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Leave all your cares and anxieties at the feet of the Lord, and measureless grace will strengthen you.”

Psalms 55:22 TPT

Just know you are limitless when you access God’s grace. Limitless and measureless grace brings inner peace to continue this race. Inner peace is the goal! We carry peace in our bones. If we carry Jesus in our hearts, then we will have access to all the different expressions of His nature through the Holy Spirit. The more you understand God and His nature, which is love, you will start to become those things from the inside out.

“But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions: joy that overflows, peace that subdues, patience that endures, kindness in action, a life full of virtue, faith that prevails, gentleness of heart, and strength of spirit. Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless.”

Galatians 5:22-23 TPT

So, my encouragement for you today is when you feel limited, stop, pray, and give yourself a moment to access His limitless grace. It’s there on the race.... “Don’t stop, believ-ing.” 🎶

Don’t stop believing you are worth receiving His grace. You have cheer inside of you. When you allow it to show, you start to glow and it brings a smile to all those who see and hear your cheer that goes from ear to ear.

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