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Writer's pictureMicah N. Dillon

Finding Joy

During this pandemic, I have been journaling my feelings. I had never really done that before. I was afraid of it actually. I’m finding that becoming friends with your feelings is a good thing and a director of sorts. The more you become comfortable with them, the more you can lean into them and allow them to shine a light on an area that needs tending to. I had always felt feelings were not safe. They are messy and I don’t like messy things, or so my thoughts tried to tell me. Messy is bad. Think about it. It’s like a house—messy houses are bad! Or so, I was taught. To be honest, messy means lived in. Messy means living. Yes, I like things clean and put away, but to keep that standard of living can be hard, especially right now in quarantine. So, I am learning to become friends with my feelings and then try to take a bird’s eye view of them instead of letting them drive my emotions into a trigger and spiral out of control. Feelings don’t drive, they guide.

God made each of us to have feelings. It’s not the feelings that become a problem, it’s the perspective we attach to the feeling, the internal story. If your internal story doesn’t connect you to His glory, it’s not the story you need to be rehearsing. Connect to His glory and you will be able to connect to your part of His-story. When you find your story, you will find your purpose. When you find your purpose, you will find your truth. When you find your truth, you will find your joy. And, when you find your joy, your joy will remain. 

“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.”

John 15:11 NKJV

When you feel full, your joy remains. When you feel empty, dealing with people and their situations or your situations, things can get more frustrating, even more so during this pandemic season. Be encouraged. Their ways are growing us up and we are gaining understanding that will be used in eternity. Without an eternal perspective the frustrating moments of our day can steal our joy away. But, take heart. With an eternal perspective, we can rise above the fray and find our joy in any day.

If I’m ever having a hard day, this song always lifts it away. It’s called Joy by For King and Country:

And, remember that your joy may be full. My prayer is that you find your joy and with it comes a cheer and a smile from ear to ear.


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