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Carrying Forward - Part 2

I’ve been pondering the word overshadowed this week. It is mentioned in the 1st chapter of Luke in this verse:

“And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.”

Luke 1:35 NKJV

This got me thinking. How many of God’s sons and daughters have been overshadowed and birthed things in the earth?

When you are inspired by the Spirit, and it causes you to react in a way that you have to do something about it, I believe you are producing something, which is kind of like birthing something. With Jesus, there doesn’t have to be a conception to produce for Him. There just has to be an inception and an acceptation of the message that was sent. Accepting the message sent by the messenger and following through to complete the creative idea dropped down into your spirit is something very intimate.

Intimacy is something I have been hearing from different ladies that they want to understand in a deeper way. I am learning, in this widowing season I am living in, that the Father will go as far as you allow Him into your heart. But, if you want to get intimate with Him, you have to take something off. The layers of unforgiveness, disappointments, childhood wounds, traumas, and abandonments. These are some of the layers and I know there are many others. But, to find the truth within, you have to hand over the hurts within. When you make the exchange, there is always a surprise as you unlock another door inside. The surprises are worth the pain it takes to cross over the exchange lanes of your heart. It hurts, but what He reveals is transformational and will wreck you in a good way. The healing will be completed and will have worked all the way through. This is the process of living fully alive. Acknowledging the pain, sending it over to the Mender, and allowing Him to give you a gift in exchange for it.

Over and over, this goes on throughout our lives to keep a tender heart and to allow Him to speak with a thought that warms our heart. Life happens at any time, and as a gift to this world, we have an opportunity to show the world we don’t grieve like the world does. We believe in the Lord. We believe He’s a Good Father. We believe that no matter the traumas we have seen or been through, the Father has a bigger plan that we can’t see. If we can just believe in the Son and trust that once we see Him, we will be in awe of His goodness done to us, even in the breaking there can be an awakening when you fully surrender to the Mender, no matter the process He sees fit to walk us through.

As I mentioned last week, be unto me according to His will. This is it! Surrounded your reality with His and with some comfort and joy along this long road called becoming whole. So, carry forward. This is our purpose, to follow His lead no matter where it leads, because walking with Him makes everything interesting and purposefully full. Feeling full is good in the natural and in the spirit. And, I have tasted of it. And, I want more. I hope you do too!!

So, stay hungry for the Word. Stay excited to see His Words work. Stay faithful. Stay steady, but always ready, because He works in mysterious ways. Amen and amen.

Here is a song about comfort and joy that I have been enjoying this holiday season. May it be a very Merry Christmas! And remember, you can always bring your cheer by smiling from ear to ear.

Tasha Layton, “Comfort and Joy”:

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1 Comment

Howard Soucek
Jan 04, 2021

My favorite line from your writing this time: "Accepting the message sent by the messenger and following through to complete the creative idea dropped down into your spirit is something very intimate." (!)

Then, we have your entire paragraph that begins, "Intimacy is..." ---This paragraph refreshes my opinion as to why your book and this blog are such an important help to those of us who suffer the loss of someone dear. It has been seven years, now, since Linda's leap out of what remained of her worldly clothing to en-Joy the Presence of our God more intimately than possible in the world.

But you are right --- We can choose to strip away our worldly clothing piece by piece,…

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