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Writer's pictureMicah N. Dillon

Strength Rises When I Know Who I Am

The Prodigal Story, Part 2

As I was driving home from my weekend away with the kids, this song found me, and it’s too good not to break down for you here today.


Harborside Music – Prodigal



There is something the Father is really trying to deposit inside of me, and hopefully you too, about identity here at the beginning of the year.


This song gives me all the feels about that embrace with the father and the prodigal son that faithful day that I was trying to express last week. I can feel the victory in this song, for that son and for us. You see, I always use to think I was not a prodigal, for I never left the faith. But I am here to tell you if we leave to do things our own way, then I believe we are all operating under that prodigal spirit. That is why coming home is not just a one salvation prayer moment. It’s really a daily choice. This is a song to declare not only that our child is home, but what he represents once he is home, how he reestablishes his identity, and how strength rises in the awareness of that truth.


Let’s begin:


I once was lost but now I’m found

Your grace released a mighty sound

That drew me back to your house

This prodigal is home now

This prodigal is home now


They repeat the verse, for it’s worth repeating.


I am so undone by these lyrics, for it makes my heart so happy. These words resonate with my heart so deeply and explain how I felt while writing last week’s blog. This song is from the perspective of the prodigal son being delivered and reinstated. The melody deposits a victory sound that my heart felt when writing this passage last week.


The prodigal son has the revelation that he was found, and the Father’s grace released a mighty sound that drew him back home. This is my own testimony, that His overwhelming never-ending grace continues to draw me back home again and again. When I get to the piano or walk in creation, I can more easily connect to His ever-present presence. I can then say, I am home.


This child is home and I celebrate my freedom

This child is home you shared with me your kingdom

This prodigal is home now

This prodigal is home now


What a declaration in this next part. I celebrate my freedom, for you shared with me your kingdom. This is it guys!! The father told that older brother all that he had was his to use whenever he wanted too. Yet, the brother never understood that it was all his to be used at this pleasure. So many times, we can’t see from an abundance perspective, for if we grew up feeling financial lack or not in a family who celebrated generosity, it seems harder to see from that perspective. So, it seems to come under more of a poverty mentality.


I once was dead but now alive

You ran to me arms open wide

A worthless servant redefined

All that is yours now is mine


I once was dead but now ALIVE! Remember that father ran with those open arms? And here the lyrics says a worthless servant was redefined. I mean, what a line! He was redefined, for he felt worthless in his pursuit back home. But when he was finally embraced, his identity started to be redefined instantly.


It all started to make sense. He got a clearer picture of all he really had, and finally was ready to fully embrace this place and his position he had so quickly wanted to leave. And here again he declared, I am home to celebrate my freedom, and you are sharing your kingdom with me. 


This child is home and I celebrate my freedom

This child is home you shared with me your kingdom

This prodigal is home now

This prodigal is home now


This next part is what really put this song over the top for me. Strength rises when I know how I am! This is so beautifully articulated. You know the scripture that says, “the Joy of the Lord is my Strength”? Well, this makes me think about this line in a different way, but also confirms it too. Our strength is in our deep inner-self knowing that we are a child of the King. That builds strength, and that strength becomes joy. For, when you know who you are and whose you are, a confidence builds, and with that comes joy to overflowing.


Strength rises when I know who I am

Strength rises when I know who I am

I know who I am

I know who I am

I know who I am

I know who I am

I know who I am


Now here I am fully found

Your freedom is my anthem sound

I feel your presence all around

And I wear your cross as my crown

I wear your cross as my crown


Now the son is back to declaring he has been found, and this freedom is now his anthem sound, for he feels Your presence all around. The imagery here, I wear your cross as my crown. For all of us, what a perfect picture of royalty in the midst of his crucifixion reality. 


This child is home and I celebrate my freedom

This child is home you shared with me your kingdom

This prodigal is home now

This prodigal is home now


Strength rises when I know who I am

Strength rises when I know who I am

I know who I am

I know who I am

I know who I am

I know who I am

I know who I am


This song keeps looping these truths inside our hearts again and again. They built a cadence in this song, for the more you sing it, the more delivered and empowered you feel about being this prodigal that is finally home.


I am a child of the father

I am a child of the king


I am a child of the father

I know who I am

I am a child of the king

I know who I am


All that are lost they will be found

My voice declares their freedom sound

I prophecy they will return

To heavens home on this earth


The song ends like this with a prophecy to declare to the ones still wandering to come on home: that the lost will be found, that our voices declare their freedom sound, that they will return to heavens home on this earth. The last line again gets me, for it’s so beautiful and I believe it’s exactly what I would have wanted to say, but didn’t have the words, and here they are already revealed for all of us to hear.


So, again, as we embark on this new year, I’m not sure if you are ringing it in with a cheer or a tear. But, one thing is for the sure, the Father is ready, willing, and able to embrace you with those compassionate arms and tender loving eyes. I hope you will put this song on repeat, for it takes some time to marinate in these truths before they really start to take root. 


I do want to encourage you again with one thing I mentioned last week: it doesn’t matter how you come, just that you come. For I believe strength rises when you know who you are!!!


So, remember these words, and maybe write them some where you’ll see them often:


You are chosen

You are loved

You are beautiful

You are brilliant

You are lovable

You are gifted

You are important

You are found

You are seen

You are special

You are HIS!


Until next time,

Keep Believing

Keep Braving

Keep Beaming


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